volcano batur-dawn by jeep

Enjoy a unique way to watch the breathtaking sunrise from Batur volcano and drive through the volcanic lava field in a 4WD jeep.
Choose this option if you don't want to climb the volcano but still want to enjoy one of the most spectacular sunrises in Bali.

Your trip will start early in the morning when the whole island is still shrouded in predawn fog.

A 4x4 jeep will take you to hard-to-reach places where you can explore the volcanic landscapes of the Kintamani region, drive through black sands and lava hills, admire the stunning views of the island and meet the sunrise at the very edge of the volcano.
morning transfer
By the appointed time, you need to arrive at the base of the Batur Jeep Tour company. The manager will inform you about her location. You can also book a transfer from your hotel or villa to the collection point and back. You need to wait for the car at the reception of your hotel or near your villa.

the main program of the tour
Before the trip, you will be given a brief briefing, after which you will be accommodated in four-wheel drive jeeps for 3 people. The journey will start before dawn at 4:30 am. You will visit several locations:

● The first location of the tour is Sunrise Point. Here you will stay for about an hour, meet the sunrise and have breakfast at an altitude of 1300 meters.
● The second location of the tour is Black Lava - a lava valley left after the volcanic eruptions of the 60s of the last century.
● The final location of the Black Sand tour is a track in the dunes of black volcanic sand. If desired (and the weather conditions are possible) here you can make a descent and ascent in a jeep along a steep sandy slope.

By 07:30 you will return to the starting point where you can have tea or coffee.